About Me
The Full Story
I've always loved expressing myself through art. I began doing needle art at a young age and lost the art until high school. That's when I realized that I could make my own Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts artwork. Yes, I am an avid gamer and I could never have enough merch. So, I began cross-stitching some of the characters and instantly remembered how much I love needlepoint. Friends began asking me to make them stitches for gifts and such. That made me realize that I could make money from doing something that I love.
My candle history is definitely a funny story. I've always been a candlenut. I always had a candle burning and had too many candles to even count. I began making my own candles purely to save money. However, when I was working at an art gallery, the owner had an idea for the month of December to do a holiday artisan market and asked me to bring in some of my cross stitch art and to make some candles to sell. So, I obliged and it worked out really nice for me.
Now, I've made making things I love into my full-time job!